The New Common Sense

AI is changing our views of the world. This multi-chapter series explores how well-known ideas and "common sense" truths hold up in the face of AI's challenges.

The Problem

While the topic of AI may seem boring to many people, it has the potential to change our world in nearly every way. AI technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, are already being used in a variety of applications, including healthcare, transportation, and finance. As AI continues to advance, it will likely have an even greater impact on society and the way we live our lives. It is important for individuals to be aware of these developments and consider their potential implications.

Our Approach

Giving practical examples of how AI might change the "truths," sayings, and idioms we use can help people better understand the impact of AI without feeling bored. For example, if AI algorithms become advanced enough to accurately predict the outcome of events with a high degree of certainty, it could challenge the saying "nothing is certain except death and taxes." Additionally, if AI is able to accurately translate idioms from one language to another, it could change the way we communicate and understand cultural differences. By providing specific examples of how AI might alter these common concepts, people can better grasp the potential impact of AI on our daily lives.

Who are we

Georg Warga, Jan Heinze and Tom van Dillen.

Get In Touch

We're not just running a Twitter account (surprise!). If you're interested in how AI might impact your organisation and want to get your teams ready for the future - do get in touch!

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